I am

About I am

Name: I am
Price: I am
Version: 4.18.0
Author: Monkey Taps LLC
Category: health-and-fitness
Package: com.hrd.iam


Here are some new features that are available in the latest version of the I am App:

  • Daily Affirmations: You can now set daily affirmations to be delivered to you throughout the day. These affirmations can help you stay positive and motivated.
  • Personalized Progress Tracker: You can now track your progress towards your goals. This will help you stay motivated and on track.
  • New Visualizations: You can now create new visualizations to help you manifest your goals. These visualizations can help you see your goals more clearly and make them more likely to happen.
  • Bug fixes: The app has been fixed to address some minor bugs.

The app is still under development, and the developer is working on adding new features and improving the overall user experience.

Introducing the I Am App - Daily Affirmations for a Positive Mindset

Do you find yourself constantly struggling with negative thoughts and self-doubt? Do you wish you could have a more positive outlook on life?

Introducing the I Am app - an empowering mobile app that helps you rewire your brain, build self-esteem, and change negative thought patterns through daily affirmations. This app is designed to help you achieve your dreams and ambitions by guiding you through positive affirmations that will leave you feeling confident and inspired.

Features of the I Am App

I Am is a daily affirmation mobile app that helps you develop a positive mindset. The app allows you to choose from a wide range of daily intentions that you can set reminders for throughout the day. Here are some features of the I Am app:

1. Daily Affirmations:

The app provides you with daily affirmations to help you build a more positive mindset. With the right mindset, you can easily overcome negative thought patterns that may be holding you back.

2. Set Reminders:

You can set reminders at different times of the day to receive motivational affirmations. These reminders will help you stay on track and maintain a positive mindset throughout the day.

3. WearOS Support:

You can wear your WearOS and practice affirmations throughout your day.

Pros of the I Am App

There are numerous benefits to using the I Am app. Here are some of the pros:

1. Increases Awareness:

The app helps you increase your awareness of negative thoughts and self-doubt thought patterns, making it easier to recognize and change them.

2. Defines Focus:

By focusing on the things you want to achieve, the app helps you develop an abundance mindset and strengthening your resolve to make it happen.

3. Possibility:

The app opens you up to new possibilities, allowing you to positively affirm what is actually possible, and a whole world of opportunities open up to you.

Cons of the I Am App

While the I Am app has numerous benefits, there are some cons as well:

1. Limited Affirmations:

The app only has a limited number of affirmations, which may not work for you if you’re looking for something specific or unique.

2. Only Available on Android:

I Am app is only available for Android users, which limits its reach.

How to Use the I Am App

Using the I Am app is simple and easy. Here’s how you can get started:

1. Download the App:

The I Am app is available for download on the Google Play Store.

2. Choose Daily Intentions:

Once you have downloaded the app, you can choose from a wide range of daily intentions that you can set reminders for throughout the day.

3. Receive Daily Affirmations:

The app will remind you of the daily intentions that you set and will provide you with daily affirmations to help you build a more positive mindset.


Q. Is the I Am app available on iOS?

A. No, the I Am app is currently only available on Android.

Q. Is the app free?

A. Yes, the I Am app is available for free download on the Google Play Store.

Q. Do I need internet access to use the app?

A. No, once the app is downloaded, you can use it without an internet connection.


The I Am app is an excellent tool for anyone looking to build a more positive mindset. With daily affirmations and reminders, you can overcome negative thought patterns and develop an abundance mindset. While the app has some limitations, such as limited affirmations and only being available on Android, it’s a great starting point for anyone looking for daily inspiration and motivation.

